Rabu, 18 November 2009

Kiprah Franchise ActionCOACH sebagai leader dalam Industri Business Coach

Rabu, 18 November 2009 0
Kiprah Franchise ActionCOACH sebagai leader dalam Industri Business Coach

Kesuksesan franchise ActionCOACH yang telah mendunia tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Berdiri di tahun 1993 dan hingga saat kini telah memiliki 1000 Business Coach (franchisee) dengan total 700 kantor operasional yang tersebar di 26 negara, perusahaan waralaba yang bergerak di bidang Business Coach ini menjadi perhatian dunia, dikarenakan begitu cepatnya pertumbuhan mereka hingga mendapat penghargaan dari beberapa asosiasi franchise dunia, seperti :

1. Action Man Award di Fiji 2006
2. Action Man Award di Regional Conference Goldcoast 2007
3. Most Improve Territory In The World Regional Conference 2007
4. Action Man Award Global Conference Dublin 2007
5. ML (Master License) of the Year Dublin 2007
6. 1# Business Consulting Franchise In the World ( Entrepreuner Magazine).
7. A Stevie Winner in The Prestigious 2006 International Business Awards, Best Overall Company category.
8. Top 50 Franchise in the 2006 Franchise Satisfaction Award conducted by The Franchise Business Review.
9. The Winner of Prestigious 2005 Franchise of the Year in Ireland.
10. UK Franchise Provider of the year By Business Britain Magazine
11. The Prestigious Australian Business Award for Enterprise.

Selain itu, di tanah air, waralaba Action Coach juga telah memperoleh penghargaan Tingkat Nasional`seperti

1. ISMBEA Award 2007 oleh Menteri Negaraa Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Menengah, Suryadharma Ali.
2. The Best Indonesia Franchisee of The Year 2007 oleh Asosiasi Franchise Indonesia ( AFI) atas nama Coach Yusa Aziz.
3. The Best Indonesia Franchisor of The Year 2008 oleh Asosiasi Franchise Indonesia (AFI) atas nama Herman Susanto, COO IndoAction.

Management Business COACH

Coaching adalah proses mengajar dan mengarahkan. Mengarahkan orang yang dikenal sebagai 'pelatih'. Tumbuh dalam masyarakat dan untuk belajar keterampilan yang tepat untuk menetapkan dan melaksanakan, pelatihan sangat diperlukan. Pada setiap tahap dan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan Anda, Anda akan menemukan kebutuhan untuk pelatihan. It imparts pengetahuan, disiplin dan keterampilan untuk melakukan dimanapun ada kebutuhan.

Business coaching benar-benar terfokus pada membantu pemilik bisnis yang berbeda terhadap rencana bisnis dan efisien. bisnis coaching dapat dioperasikan di department of commerce, dari bisnis tradisional dan kewirausahaan start up bisnis untuk e-bisnis. Tidak seperti lainnya coaches, usaha pelatih harus menyadari sepenuhnya tentang advancements saat ini dan perubahan dalam bisnis skenario.

ActionCOACH - Indonesia

ActionCOACH - Indonesia
Business - Companies
ActionCOACH didirikan oleh Brad Sugars di Australia pada tahun 1993 memfokuskan diri di program pelatihan bisnis (Business Coaching) kepada individu dan kelompok (group) termasuk memberikan pelatihan kepada perusahaan-perusahaan agar mempunyai Team Pemenang (Winning Team) yang kuat dan solid, Usaha yang berkembang dan keuntungan (Profit) yang meningkat. Pada awalnya, pelatihan bisnis ini bernama Action International , dan berubah nama menjadi ActionCOACH di awal tahun 2007. Sekarang ActionCOACH telah berada di 26 negara dengan lebih dari 1,200 orang Business Coach (Pelatih bisnis). Usaha ini telah merubah pendekatan gaya lama suatu model konsultan bisnis menjadi suatu model pelatihan bisnis yang jauh lebih ampuh dan menguntungkan bagi perusahaan didalam mengembangkan usahanya. Hal ini menempatkan ActionCOACH sebagai “The World’s Number 1 Business Coaching Firm”.

ActionCOACH dengan jaringan pelatih bisnis globalnya, menyediakan kepada perusahaan bantuan jangka pendek seperti in-house training/workshop/seminar atau pelatihan jangka panjang melalui program mentoring yang didasarkan atas pengalaman bisnis yang luas, strategi bisnis yang komprehensif dan sistim yang teruji untuk area :

1. Penjualan/Pelayanan Pelanggan (Sales/Customer Service)
2. Pemasaran/Advertising (Marketing/Advertising)
3. Membangun Team/Perekrutan (Team Building/Recruitment)
4. Sistem/Pengembangan Bisnis (Systems/Business Development)
5. Finansial (Finance)

Kehadiran seorang Coach (Pelatih) bertujuan untuk membantu pemilik/pengambil keputusan di perusahaan menemukan kesimbangan dalam upaya mencapai usaha/bisnis yang sukses dan sekaligus menyenangkan – bekerja lebih pintar dan mendapatkan lebih banyak kebahagiaan, karena dalam mengelola bisnis seharusnya pemilik/pengambil keputusan mendapatkan penghargaan materi & spiritual dan bukannya kekecewaan dan rasa frustasi.

ActionCOACH telah mengembangkan lebih dari 500 strategi bisnis dan sistem untuk mencapai tujuan diatas yang telah diimplementasikan dengan sukses oleh Action Coaches di seluruh dunia : Australia, Canada, Amerika Serikat, Selandia Baru, Meksiko, Singapura, Malaysia, China, Filipina, Vietnam dan banyak negara di belahan Eropa.

Pelatihan Bisnis dengan cara Training dan Mentoring adalah suatu program untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis tertentu dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan. Usaha ini sangat berorientasi pada hasil dan didesain untuk memajukan bisnis atau memperdalam pengetahuan pemilik usaha/pengambil keputusan.

Pelatih Bisnis dari ActionCOACH akan selalu berada disamping anda selama usaha anda membutuhkannya !
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Contact Info

ActionCOACH Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia

Recent News

Welcome to ActionCOACH Indonesia!!
Group ini ditujukan untuk seluruh Pengusaha dan teman2 pengusaha yang ingin belajar lebih banyak lagi bagaimana berbisnis dengan menggunakan 6 Langkah menuju hasil yang maksimal atau sebagai ajang forum bagi siapa saja yang ingin sharing tentangb bisnis ke sesama pebisnis atau bisnis owner.. Tunggu berita2 menarik dari kami... akan ada kegiatan yang akan membuat Anda makin PENASARAN.. Dapatkan Buku, DVD, CD, & Tiket Workshop secara GRATIS!! tunggu tanggal mainnya..pantau terus Group kami..

Are you Ready to ACTION?

Brad Sugars, pemilik beberapa perusahaan yang bergerak di berbagai bidang, kolumnis majalah Entrepreneur USA, penulis buku, dan direktur pelatihan bisnis terdepan, ActionCOACH, akan hadir di Indonesia. Pada tanggal 26 November 2009 nanti, ia akan melatih mereka yang mempunyai impian besar, untuk menjalankan bisnisnya.

Apa yang spesial dari Brad? Brad Sugars hanyalah seseorang yang memang terlahir untuk bisnis. Salah satu prestasinya yang paling terdengar konyol sekaligus mengagumkan adalah, ketika dia membeli 33% kepemilikan suatu toko busana wanita, hanya dengan sebuah janji untuk meningkatkan penjualan. Terdengar konyol bukan? Namun apa yang dijanjikannya benar terjadi. Ia meningkatkan penjualan toko itu sebesar 93% dalam 9 minggu pertama.

Reputasi Brad Sugars sebagai pelatih bisnis sangat mengesankan. Salah satu penulis buku bestseller “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, Robert T. Kiyosaki, pernah mengajak Brad untuk memberikan pelatihan pada seminarnya di Hawaii pada tahun 1994. Kehandalannya dalam pelatihan bisnis telah membawa finalis The American Business Award ini, menjadi pengusaha paling dikagumi versi pembaca majalah E-Spy, setara dengan Rupert Murdoch, Henry Ford, Richard Branson and Anita Roddick. Jadi, coba tanyakan sekali lagi pada diri sendiri, “Apakah saya benar-benar ingin melewatkan ini?”
Your Coach has come to Indonesia!

Salah seorang pebisnis dunia paling berpengaruh dekade terakhir ini, akan mengunjungi Indonesia. Jadikan ini sebagai kesempatan Anda untuk belajar secara langsung dengan sang business coach.

yes you are ready

Hadir dan serap kemampuan Brad Sugars secara LIVE!

Kamis 26 November 2009

di Jakarta International Expo, Arena Pekan Raya Jakarta, Kemayoran Hall D1-D2

The 2nd Visits

Ini adalah kunjungan Bradley J. Sugars yang ke-2 kalinya, setelah pada tahun 2007 seminarnya di JCC dibanjiri oleh 1000 peserta lebih! Maka pada kunjungannya tahun ini, jangan sampai Anda kehabisan tempat.

Why you need an ActionCOACH

Every great performer, whether an elite athlete, business legend or performing superstar, is surrounded by coaches and advisors.

And, as the world of business moves faster and gets more competitive... it is difficult to keep up with both the changes in your industry and, the innovations in sales, marketing and management strategies as well. Having a Business Coach is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity.

On top of all this, it's difficult to get a truly objective answer from yourself. A Business Coach is like a consultant, with years of successful experience that can provide valuable insight, help you develop long-term and short term goals and strategies, as well as improve your business in areas that you might have overlooked. Don't get me wrong, you can survive in business without the help of a Coach, but it's almost impossible to thrive...

  • A Coach CAN help you see the forest for the trees.

  • A Coach will make you focus on the game and your long-term strategies.

  • A Coach will make you run more laps while making each round easier and more efficient.

  • A Coach will tell it like it is.

  • A Coach will give you small pointers based on years of experience.

  • A Coach will listen.

  • A Coach will help you develop long-term plans that will allow your business to function more efficiently and make more profit.

  • A Coach will be your marketing manager, your sales director, your training coordinator, your partner, your confidant, your business mentor, your best friend... and, an ActionCOACH will help you make your dream come true.

  • Find out more today by speaking with a Business Coach in your area.

Brad Sugars – Founder and Chairman of ActionCOACH business coaching

Brad SugarsBrad Sugars started the ActionCOACH brand (formerly known as Action International) when he was in his early twenties. Today the company is internationally recognized as the leading global business coaching firm and one of the leading and most awarded franchises in the world today.

So how did a twenty-something Australian create this global powerhouse?

Brad Sugars has always been entrepreneurial. Even from a very young age, Brad was an entrepreneur. He displayed a natural curiosity for how to work smarter and get measurable results. When still at university, Brad Sugars ran several small businesses. Perhaps due in part to his naivity at a relatively young age, Brad’s ability to make companies from every conceivable industry flourish lead him to be known as “The Turnaround Kid”.

Brad Sugars was soon asked to speak to business owners and executives – sharing his tips and advice on marketing, sales, systemization and team building.

Audiences were wowed. Brad’s “pull no-punches” approach was a refreshing change from other speakers at the time. The content of his events were filled with simple and easy ways to grow businesses. Brad Sugars seminars quickly grew in reputation as being the event to see.

Business owners started approaching Brad Sugars to consult about their businesses. Despite the demand for his services, Brad realized that consulting was not the answer. He wanted the business owners to implement the strategies he taught – but time restraints meant that he could not service the demand. It was then that Brad Sugars realized that the missing component between knowledge and implementation – was coaching and his company Action International (now known as ActionCOACH) was born.

Brad Sugars started his business coaching company in Brisbane, Australia hiring and training business coaches to leverage his time and to help as many businesses as possible. After several years, yet again demand exceeded supply and he realized the only way to truly leverage his time and to provide coaching to as many businesses as possible was to franchise his concept. Franchising not only afforded a pathway to international expansion, it also allowed his business coaches to own their very own business.

Today ActionCOACH operates in 26 countries and has more than 1,000 offices around the world. The franchise has received numerous awards including Fastest Growing Franchise, Franchisee Satisfaction, Best Overall Company and has been named the number one business coaching franchise for more than 5 years running. Unlike other franchises in the category, Brad Sugars’ ActionCOACH is the first business coaching franchise originating from a business Brad started himself 15 years ago.

7 Reasons Why Thousands of Business Owners Know You Need an ActionCOACH Business Coach or Executive Coach...

#1 reason

Business Coaches and Executive Coaches Can Show You How to Get More Returns with

Less Work.
You're working too many hours and pretty sure that if you left for a vacation or holiday, things wouldn't operate anywhere near as effectively as they do now ... put another way, you're ready to work a whole lot less ... Whatever you call it, small business coaching, executive coaching or just plain old business mentoring, ActionCOACH is the worlds #1 business coaching firm and executive coaching firm. In fact, in 1993 Brad Sugars and ActionCOACH started the business coaching industry and now with more than 1000+ offices in 26 countries, ActionCOACH has literally turned the old business consulting model into business coaching and executive coaching, a far more powerful, profitable and more affordable way for you as a business owner or as an executive to get the help and mentoring to grow your company..

#2 reason

Business Coaching and Executive Coaching Creates More Profits.

You're ready to make a whole lot more profit ... if you're not making anywhere near enough money to justify the effort, risk and investment you're making in the business ... it's time to turn that around ...With literally 282 profit and money making strategies your nearest ActionCOACH will be able to help coach you in sales, marketing, advertising, profit growth, business systems, time management and team building strategies to literally jump your revenues in a matter of months ... and unlike a business consultant who does the work for you, a business coach will teach you how, while an executive coach will work with your company to get the results your executives need.

#3 reason

A Business Coach or Executive Coach Will Help You Develop Your Team.

You're ready to build or develop a team of people that can grow the business whether you're there or not ... recruiting, training and keeping the best people makes your life so much easier ...From our team training programs to our ever so powerful recruitment systems, building a team of motivated, passionate performers is all part of the program that our business coaches and executive coaches will help you implement....

#4 reason

A Business Coach or Executive Coach Will Help You Rediscover Your Passion.

You need to fall in love with your business again, it's gotten boring and at times you even feel sick of it all ... time for a re-injection of that vision and passion you had when you first started ... Motivation is at the core of everything your Business Coach will take you through. Building either a simple business plan or marketing plan will give you the clarity on not only what needs doing, but how to do it. Whether you work from home, are just starting, or run a multi-million dollar organization a Business Coach or Executive Coach is one of the fastest ways to a better business and a better lifestyle......

#5 reason
A Business Coach

Will Help You Navigate Changes in the Economy and Your Market.

You know that to grow you need to be learning more, but you don't even have time to keep up with your industry changes let alone the changes in global business and how to improve it all ... Business education has moved into a new realm, with business mentoring and business coaching taking over from traditional consulting, books and seminars so you get the right information at the right time. Think of it as an entrepreneurial degree using your company as a case study...

#6 reason

Executive Coaches and Business Coaches Create Accountability.

You need a Business Coach, a business mentor to hold you accountable, to demand a profit, to demand results, someone to push you, cajole you and hopefully more often than the rest ... congratulate you on a job well done ... Being an owner can be a lonely job, having a sounding board, a business mentor and coach, a friend to talk with you and provide expert coaching, helping you to solve your problems and turn them into opportunities. Creating opportunities is just a small part of what our business coaches do, but often it can be the most valuable...

#7 reason

Executive Coaching and Business Coaching Provides a Second Expert Opinion.

You need a Business Coach who can see the forest for the trees
, an expert who isn't blinded by the industry and by too many years in your industry ... Running your own company like any part of life, often you need a business mentor to see the simplest of things to help you in areas such as sales coaching. . Often business mentors will ask the tough questions so that you're on track ... Join the thousands of other owners and executives around the world, who have implemented business coaching. Take the step before your competition does ... see one of our ActionCOACH business coaches today...

Our Mission And Vision

The Vision we support is "World Abundance through Business Re-Education".

ActionCOACH is a team of committed, positive and successful people who are always striving to be balanced, integral and honest. We will work within our "14 Points of Culture" to make sure that everyone who touches, or is touched by the ActionCOACH team, will benefit greatly and in some way move closer to becoming the person they want to be or achieve the goals they want to achieve.

We will always work in co-opetition with all those who believe they are in competition with us. We are in the business of 'Edutainment'. We will educate ourselves, our clients and all those whom we work with, while we entertain them and create a fun learning environment. We will educate our clients in world-class marketing and business development techniques using audio, video, CD's, other technologies and simple workbooks, workshops and seminar formats.

Our products and services will be of the highest quality, value for money and, whether sourced from within the company or externally, will always add the most value and use the latest and most effective training methodologies available.

ActionCOACH clients, whether they be small, medium or large in size, will have a desire to have us help them in achieving their goals and be able to take on Our Commitment to them by returning their Commitment to ActionCOACH. They will be forward thinking, willing to learn and grow, and be willing to work as a team player in the development of an organization of 'people'.

Our clients will be selected more on attitude than size and they will want to deal with us because we understand people are important, systems should run a company, we offer the most practical, most applicable and fastest strategies on growth, and most importantly, because we mean what we say. We will give people back their spirit and freedom through business development.

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